Welsh AM launches campaign against domestic violence in AberSU (Aber Student Media)

By Josh James on November 20, 2013
IMG_1713WELSH ASSEMBLY Member Joyce Watson visited Aberystwyth students to launch the ‘Not in my Name’ campaign for the area last Friday (15th).
The Not In My Name campaign promotes the awareness of domestic abuse and those who sign “pledge to never commit, condone or remain silent about violence against women”. The campaign is run in organization with the W.I. Institutes of Wales and Joyce Watson AM.
The event was hosted by Aberystwyth University Labour Students but was attended by members of AberPride and Students Union Officers. It was held in the Students’ Union and opened with a talk from the AM on the values and importance of the campaign.
The Assembly Member also highlighted the importance of the national helplines such as Welsh Women’s Aid and the All Wales Domestic Abuse & Sexual Violence Helpline as reporting systems. Afterwards Labour Students’ Secretary Bridie Sedgebeer gave a talk on the progress they had made mandating the Students’ Union to support the campaign, and plans to take it to NUS Wales.
Joyce Watson AM later told ASM: “It is brilliant that young people are on board, they are the future and will be campaigning a long time in the future. This campaign is about being a voice whether it’s in your household, or to victims, or to speak out generally.”
She added: “It is also great to have recruited so many sports men and women, people from business and choirs”.
Attendees wore white ribbons to show their support, and some wore “broken rainbow ribbons” in support of LGBT+ victims of domestic violence. The event ended with a candlelit vigil on the steps outside the Union building in the name of all the victims of domestic abuse.
To find out more on the Not In My Name Campaign click here.

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Author: Joyce Watson MS
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