“Time to go?” Joyce criticises Pembrokeshire Chief Executive

Joyce Watson AM has questioned whether Bryn Parry-Jones should step down as chief executive of Pembrokeshire Council.
The Labour member for Mid and West Wales hit out at the Pembrokeshire leader in the Senedd on Tuesday (20 November), asking Education Minister Leighton Andrews if Mr Parry-Jones should resign over child safeguarding failings at the troubled authority.
Former Pembrokeshire county councillor, Mrs Watson said the Welsh Government had had to step in to protect Pembrokeshire children’s safety, and asked: “Is it not time for the chief executive, Bryn Parry-Jones, to go?”
Mr Andrews responded saying he would not speculate on the future of senior officers until he had seen the latest report from the inspectorate.
“In respect of Pembrokeshire, she will be aware of the situation there at the present time. She will also be aware that further reports are pending from the inspectorates. It would probably be unwise of me to speculate on the future of senior officers in that authority until we have seen the outcome of those reports,” he said.
Mrs Watson raised the issue during a Ministerial statement on the future of education in Wales. On Tuesday, the Welsh Government announced a wide-ranging review of education delivery, which could see local authorities stripped of their responsibility for education and school services being managed centrally by the Welsh Government instead.

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Author: Joyce Watson MS
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