Tenby GP services: health board must plan for future, says First Minister

Hywel Dda University Health Board is working with Tenby Surgery to safeguard future health services, First Minister Carwyn Jones confirmed this week.
In response to reports that there will be just three GPs at the south Pembrokeshire practice this summer, at Assembly question time on Tuesday (3 June), Mid and West AM Joyce Watson asked the First Minister about plans for health services in Tenby. She said:
“First Minister, you may be aware that there have been concerns expressed about staffing at Tenby surgery. From this month, there are only three GPs serving a 60,000-plus summer population. However, the good news is that Hywel Dda health board is working with the practice and is apparently on top of that.
“May I ask you to discuss with the Minister for Health and Social Services the need for the health board to find long-term solutions to ensure patient access to health services in the Tenby area?”
In a detailed response, Mr Jones said summer staffing difficulties would be “overcome” and confirmed plans “for the longer term level of service provision in the town”:
“In the interim, I can say that locum cover has been identified. This will commence at the beginning of June. A nurse practitioner has been employed until the end of August to support the GPs. I know that the health board is working with the practice to ensure that the service level continues in future.
“So, as far as the summer is concerned, and taking into account the proposals for the minor injuries unit, that is something that will be overcome. However, there is a need—and the health board is doing this—to plan for the longer term level of service provision in the town.”

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Author: Joyce Watson MS
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