Scrapping Wage Board unfair on farm workers, says AM

‘Unfair’ and ‘regressive’ plans to scrap the Agricultural Wages Board in England and Wales have been criticised by Joyce Watson AM, Welsh Labour’s spokesperson for rural affairs.
The decision to cut the board was taken by the Minister for Rural Affairs following financial pressure by the coalition government in Westminster. The decision will leave farm workers and craftsmen without a body to defend their wages at a time when pressure is increasing on personal finances.
Speaking at the Assembly, Joyce Watson AM said,
‘The decision to scrap the Agricultural Wages Board is profoundly unfair and regressive. Now is precisely the time when workers need to have safeguards in place to make sure they earn a fair wage, it is wrong to take away this safety net.
‘This is further example of the Liberal Democrats-supported Conservative government’s attitude that putting hard working people’s livelihoods at risk is a price worth paying. The sole purpose of the board is to promote fairness and now it has been abolished, I find that very concerning.
‘That insufficient time was given to set up a Welsh Agricultural Wages Board is unacceptable. I call on Conservative and Liberal Democrat Assembly Members to join me in condemning this move and to support the rights of agricultural workers. I will put pressure on them to push their counterparts in Westminster to ensure that these workers are covered under minimum wage legislation.’
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Author: Joyce Watson MS
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