Joyce welcomes Welsh Government £1.6million fund for storm-hit tourism industry

News that three west Wales councils will receive a share of £1.6million to help storm-hit tourism businesses has been welcomed by Joyce Watson AM.
The Welsh Government today announced a special fund to repair flood-damaged infrastructure to ensure Wales’ £5billion tourism industry can open for business as usual by Easter.
Earlier this month high tides combined with gale force winds and heavy rain to cause storm surges that breeched flood defences in many coastal areas. Three of the worst affected counties, Ceredigion, Gwynedd and Pembrokeshire, are among six councils that will benefit from the Welsh Government fund.
Welcoming the announcement, Labour Mid and West AM Joyce Watson said:
“This send a very clear message: “west Wales is open for business”.
“The storms wreaked havoc up and down the coast, but now urgently needed repair work can get underway immediately, thanks to this extra funding. It will fund infrastructure projects that support tourism. The goal is to ensure areas affected by the winter storms are fully open for business by Easter at the latest, preferably by half term.”
Funding will be allocated to the following local authorities:
• Ceredigion £560,000
• Gwynedd £400,000
• Pembrokeshire £400,000
• Anglesey £80,000
• Swansea £80,000
• Monmouth £80,000
This funding follows the additional £2million announced last week by Minister for Natural Resources Alun Davies to fund emergency repairs to flood defences that were damaged in the recent storms.
For more information about Joyce Watson’s work contact her office on 02920 898972 /

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Author: Joyce Watson MS
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