Joyce urges Welsh Government to “monitor” Withybush cancer ward

Health department officials are monitoring “recruitment problems” at Withybush Hospital’s cancer service, the Welsh Government has confirmed.
Following concerns about the future of the hospital’s cancer ward, Ward 10, at Assembly question time on Tuesday (30 September), Assembly Member Joyce Watson asked the First Minister to intervene.
The Labour Mid and West AM said:
“Yesterday I met with the chair of Hywel Dda Health Board (Bernadine Rees) to discuss cancer services at Withybush General Hospital. Her message was: yes, there are recruitment problems but services have not and will not be affected. Patients will continue to receive the specialist care they need.
“Hywel Dda has said it is working with Abertawe Bro Morgannwg Health Board to improve oncology recruitment – can you assure me and the people of Pembrokeshire that the Welsh Government will monitor that process to appoint a full-time palliative care consultant?”
Mrs Watson continued, asking the First Minister to confirm that plans remain in place for a new chemotherapy day unit at Pembrokeshire’s General Hospital.
The First Minister responded:
“The Minister for Health and Social Services will raise the issue with the chair of Hywel Dda, and officials will continue to monitor the appointment of a replacement consultant oncologist and palliative care consultant. I can say to the Member that the plans for the new chemotherapy day unit are not affected.”

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Author: Joyce Watson MS
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