Joyce says Plaid ‘scaremongering’ over future of health services

Labour Assembly Member Joyce Watson has accused political opponents in Plaid Cymru of ‘scaremongering’ over the future of local health services.
Speaking in the Assembly on Wednesday (18th January), Mrs Watson blamed Plaid for spreading “irresponsible scare-stories” about District General Hospitals, but claimed that people could see through the party’s “mischievous politics.”
The Mid and West Wales AM also hit out at Hywel Dda Health Board for its handling of the closures of two Pembrokeshire Minor Injury Units.
Mrs Watson said Hywel Dda had failed to consult local people before deciding to ‘temporarily’ close the MIUs at Pembroke Dock and Tenby Cottage hospitals before Christmas.
The AM, who spoke at a packed public meeting at New Hedges Village Hall in December, organised in response to the closures, argued that the announcement that it was happening was the first most people knew of it. She said:
“The situation did not come about overnight so why did we not hear about it until after the fact?
“People at the public meeting understood the reasons even if they disagreed. What they were angry about was the way it had been handled.
“The more people think the wool is being pulled over their eyes the more sceptical they become.”
Mrs Watson claimed that Hywel Dda’s mishandling of the closures has opened the door to “scaremongers”. Singling out Plaid Cymru politicians, she accused them of spreading scare-stories.
“It’s why the people of Wales rejected Plaid Cymru as a responsible party of government in May. The party has retreated to its comfort zone, scaremongering at the fringes. Fine, but people aren’t interested in political point-scoring.
“What they want is to have a say about their local health services in an open and honest way,” Mrs Watson said.

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Author: Joyce Watson MS
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