Joyce says, “Be an energy shopper”

Joyce Watson AM is backing a new campaign encouraging people to go ‘energy shopping’.
Energy regulator Ofgem has launched the ‘Be and Energy Shopper’ campaign to encourage consumers to find the best deal on their gas and electricity bills. It comes after new figures reveal one in three people (33%) are concerned about how much they are paying for their energy.
Mrs Watson, who is a member of the Assembly Environment and Sustainability committee, which is currently looking at energy efficiency and fuel poverty in Wales, explained her support for the campaign:
“These days, people spend a lot of time comparing deals on all sorts of things: cars, mobile phones, insurance, banks, even groceries; but we too often accept energy prices as a given.
“Ofgem’s recent reforms have resulted in a simpler, clearer and fairer market. So it has never been easier to find a better deal on your energy bill.”
From the end of March, suppliers must show customers what their cheapest tariff is on every bill and ensure that bills are clear. Prior to the reforms, more than half of consumers (53%) said they had been confused by energy tariffs.
Ofgem has launched an easy guide to help consumers check existing energy deals and compare prices.
The Labour member for Mid and West Wales added:
“Simpler pricing is one thing, but in the long run the cost of energy must come down. That is why Labour, if elected in 2015, has promised to freeze prices while it reforms the broken energy market.”
Labour leader Ed Miliband has pledged to freeze energy bills for 20 months from June 2015 as a stop-gap, pending reform of the market. The party claims its price freeze will be worth £120 a year to the average household. It also suggests bills could be cut further if there were more competition in the retail market and so-called green levies were simplified.
Dermot Nolan, Ofgem chief executive said:
“As a nation we have a huge appetite when it comes to savvy shopping and tracking down a good deal – we shop and compare prices for many things in life, yet we often don’t think to do the same when it comes to our energy bill.
“Previously, people found it difficult to compare tariffs and the process too time consuming but the recent reforms have changed things for the better. With the introduction of ‘Be an Energy Shopper’ it has never been easier to go shopping and get a better deal on your gas and electricity.”
Visit for an easy guide on how to shop around for a better energy deal.
For more information about Joyce Watson’s work contact her office on 02920 898972 /

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Author: Joyce Watson MS
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