Joyce learns about pharmacy health checks in Barmouth

People with minor health problems could save themselves time and trouble by visiting their local pharmacy before making a doctor’s appointment, Assembly Member Joyce Watson has said.
The Mid and West AM was speaking after a recent visit to Rowlands Pharmacy in Barmouth, Gwynedd.
Mrs Watson said: “Pharmacists can help with a lot of common health complaints and you don’t need to make an appointment to see one – just walk in.”
Manager Steffan John told Mrs Watson that the town centre pharmacy offered advice on and, where appropriate, treatment for things like stopping smoking, emergency hormonal contraception and blood pressure. They can also help patients manage their medication and discuss prescriptions, Mr John explained.
Mrs Watson, who chairs the Welsh Assembly stroke group, continued:
“Local pharmacies are on the front-line in the fight against stroke. Forty percent of all strokes could be prevented by managing high blood pressure and the heart rhythm disorder Atrial Fibrillation, which pharmacists can check for and advise on.
“If everyone with a minor ailment – coughs and colds, mild eczema, athlete’s foot – consulted their pharmacist first, it would free up GPs, making it easier to get an appointment when you need one.”
For more information contact Joyce Watson’s office on 02920 898972 or at:

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Author: Joyce Watson MS
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