Joyce delivers Christmas encouragement to Pembrokeshire posties

Joyce Watson AM Haverfordwest POAssembly Member Joyce Watson dropped by Royal Mail’s Haverfordwest delivery office (8 December) to talk to posties at their busiest time of year.
Mrs Watson was shown round the office by manager Phil Cunningham and chatted to the postmen and women whose job is to sort and deliver all the cards and parcels in Pembrokeshire in time for Christmas.
Speaking after her visit Mrs Watson said: “I live just up the road from the Merlins Bridge facility so I was glad to see first-hand just how much effort all the staff put into delivering for people at this time of year. I was especially pleased to see how well the workers from Milford have settled in since the summer.”
Staff from Milford Haven relocated to Haverfordwest in June when the Robert Street sorting office closed as part of Royal Mail’s modernisation programme.
Phil Cunningham said: “Christmas is the busiest time of year for Royal Mail. Our people really do pull out all the stops throughout the year to ensure mail is delivered quickly, but even more so over the busy festive period. We are grateful that Joyce came along to see the hard work that goes on behind the scenes.”
He added: “Our people do a fantastic job at this time of year to ensure that friends and families stay in touch through their Christmas greetings and gifts. And as usual, we’d like to remind our customers to post early so that friends and family have longer to enjoy their Christmas greetings!”

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Author: Joyce Watson MS
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