Joyce challenges Tory and Lib Dem MPs to protect Welsh farm workers

Joyce Watson AM is calling on Welsh MPs to vote against the UK Government’s decision to scrap the Agricultural Wages Board.
Last week, the Coalition Government cleared the board for abolition without giving MPs an opportunity to debate or vote. In Westminster, Labour has tabled an opposition day debate to force a vote on the handling of the Agricultural Wages Board tomorrow (Wednesday 24 April).
The board sets the pay and conditions of more than 13,000 Welsh farm workers. Mrs Watson claims low-paid rural workers in Wales will see their pay and conditions undermined if it is scrapped.
Mrs Watson called on Mid and West Wales MPs Stephen Crabb, Glyn Davies, Simon Hart, Roger Williams and Mark Williams to vote against the Coalition government in tomorrow’s vote.
“The Westminster government has so far forced this decision through. This time Welsh Tory and Lib Dem MPs have a chance to stand up for Welsh farm workers.
“The government’s own figures show that scrapping the board could see wages in the agricultural industry fall by £13 million. It will tip the lowest paid workers and their families below the breadline and suck millions of pounds out of rural communities – out of our shops, businesses, and services.”
An amendment to the Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Bill by the Lords was agreed by the Commons without debate on 16th April. The bill returned to the Lords on Monday (22nd April). If the bill as amended is passed it is proposed that the board will be abolished on 1 October.
For more information about the campaign to save the AWB visit
For more information contact Joyce Watson’s office on 02920 898972 or on

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Author: Joyce Watson MS
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