Innovative Glyndwr exhibition “exciting reimagining”, says AM

Assembly Member Joyce Watson visited the newly renovated Owain Glyndwr Centre in Machynlleth on Saturday (18th June 201) to see an exciting new exhibition.
Among other attractions, the exhibition features a specially commissioned video of Glynd?r’s Parliament of 1404, a replica Medieval broadsword of the type Owain’s men would have wielded in battle, authentic reproductions of period costumes, which visitors are invited to try on, and Welsh banners, which would have been proudly held aloft as a symbol of resistance and of Owain’s princely claim.
In addition, an interactive computer timeline and descriptive display panels provide detailed chronological information about Glynd?r’s life and times and the ill-fated rebellion. The Centre also houses the famous Urquhart Murray Mural, a unique large-scale pictorial representation of Glynd?r’s pivotal victory at the Battle of Hyddgen in 1402, and the famous Pennal Letter that Owain wrote to the King of France in 1406, in which he styles himself ‘Prince of Wales’.
The Mid and West Wales AM, who had visited the previous exhibition, said the new one brought Owain Glynd?r’s story vividly to life:
“This up-to-date exhibition is an exciting reimagining of the previous one and will really give visitors an insight into the life and times of the national hero and self-proclaimed Prince of Wales”.

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Author: Joyce Watson MS
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