Cross-party stroke group for Wales’ 11,000 sufferers gets underway

THE first meeting of the newly-formed cross-party group on stroke has heard how services in Wales can be improved.
The meeting brought together medical and rehabilitation experts, the third sector, research, industry and community health councils to discuss the next steps in improving outcomes for the 11,000 people in Wales who have a stroke each year.
Stuart Fletcher, chair of the Stroke Association’s advisory committee for Wales said: “The enthusiasm and determination to continue to improve stroke services across Wales was palpable in the meeting.
“We are hoping progress can be made in reducing the incidence of stroke through education and training for health professionals; focusing on the benefits of timely stroke prevention surgery and also raising awareness about stroke prevention amongst the general public through community pharmacies.”
Joyce Watson, AM for Mid and West Wales who chairs the group, said: “We have made an excellent start to the cross-party group. I have witnessed the outcome of the work that the Welsh Government has carried out to drive improvements at local level. Our focus now should be to ensure that people who have a stroke get the best possible care once they leave hospital. This will be on our agenda at the next cross-party meeting in November.”
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Author: Joyce Watson MS
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