Broadband must be top Welsh priority, says Joyce Watson AM

All-Wales access to broadband must be the top priority for the Welsh economy according to Joyce Watson AM.
Ms Watson, Assembly Member for Mid and West Wales and Labour’s Rural Affairs Spokesperson, has insisted that failure to ensure broadband access would lead to Wales being left behind other nations.
Raising the matter with the Minster for the Economy, Joyce Watson claimed she has received a considerable number of correspondences claiming that timely action is needed to provide rural Welsh homes and business with adequate broadband services.
Joyce Watson said,
‘It is no overstatement to say that the future prosperity of the Welsh economy is dependent on nationwide access to a good broadband connection. In order to compete with businesses elsewhere, Welsh businesses will need access to the same level of broadband or better.
‘Equally as important to the economy will be how successful we will be at attracting businesses to set up in Wales and access to broadband is an absolute must if companies are going to consider doing so.
‘It is for these reasons that I believe that this should be our top economic priority and I will be meeting the Minister shortly to discuss the matter.’
For further details about Joyce Watson’s work or to contact her please click on

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Author: Joyce Watson MS
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