AM visits Cardigan businesses hit by Post Office closure

The continued closure of Cardigan Post Office is hitting the pockets of town centre businesses, Assembly member Joyce Watson claims.
The town’s high street office has been closed since before Christmas because of what was said to be “unforeseen circumstances.”
Labour Mid and West AM Joyce Watson has lobbied Post Office to restore services as soon as possible. She visited lots of town centre businesses on Saturday (11 January) to find out how the closure is affecting them.
Mrs Watson said:
“Mrs Evans from David Evans and Sons explained to me how disruptive it has been for businesses like hers. She regularly sends parcels and has had to make special arrangements, which cost her extra time and money.
“Mrs Evans did say how helpful the staff at St Dogmaels have been handling the extra workload. All the businesses I spoke to paid tribute to the staff there.
“I have been in regular communication with the Post Office since the unexpected closure. Whilst I am encouraged by its commitment to keep services in Cardigan, I am concerned that a solution is apparently no closer. The Post Office has told me that a local team is exploring options including reopening the existing premises, which is the best option. I will continue to press that case.”
For more information about Joyce Watson’s work contact her office on 02920 898972 /

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Author: Joyce Watson MS
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