AM steps into workers’ shoes at Milford Haven refinery

Joyce at Murco 2Joyce at MurcoAM steps into workers’ shoes at Milford Haven refinery
Assembly member Joyce Watson last week swapped the Assembly chamber at Cardiff Bay for the operations control room at the Murco Milford Haven refinery.
The Labour AM’s visit on Thursday (9 January) was organised by Unite as part of the trade union’s ‘Walk a day in our shoes’ shadowing programme. The initiative seeks to match up Assembly members who are members of Unite with a fellow Unite member and constituent to shadow them at their workplace.
Mrs Watson said:
“Politics is sometimes a step removed from real life so I was glad of the opportunity to experience first-hand working life at one of the county’s biggest employers. It was a good chance to talk to workers about a range of issues and I gained a useful insight into the operation of the Murco refinery.”
Refinery manager John Llewellyn gave Mrs Watson a tour of the site. She spent the afternoon shadowing panel operators in the off-site operations control room.
Unite Wales Campaigns Co-ordinator Hannah Blythyn said:
“The peer to peer programme – Unite member to Unite member – is a great opportunity to do something different and offer Assembly members a chance to step beyond their own work and into the workplace of a fellow Unite member.
“We hope that our members benefit from having their AM spend time to listen and learn from them and that, likewise the Assembly members taking part will gain a useful insight into the real life of a fellow Unite member and constituent.”

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Author: Joyce Watson MS
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