AM lobbies Post Office over Cardigan closure

Joyce Watson AM has pressed the Post Office for answers about the continued closure of the Cardigan office.
Because of “unforeseen circumstances,” Cardigan Post Office has been closed to the public “until further notice” since last Friday (20th December).
“Phrases like ‘unforeseen circumstances’ are just not good enough when it comes to something like the Post Office,” Mrs Watson said.
As well as causing disruption for customers and local businesses, the closure has affected pensioners and others who depend on social security payments. They have been unable to access their money in the run-up to Christmas.
The Labour Mid and West AM added:
“St Dogmaels, the nearest alternative branch, is a time-consuming journey by public transport; it is an hour-long wait for the return bus.
“The timing couldn’t be worse. A constituent contacted me this morning to say she will not be able to draw her pension money before Christmas.
“I spoke to a senior representative of the Post Office today. They are working to restore a service – possibly a temporary mobile service – to Cardigan as soon as possible, hopefully between Christmas and the New Year. In the meantime, they are advising people to go to Aberporth, St Dogmaels or Cilgerran. However, that is not an option for everyone – a solution must be found.”
For more information about Joyce Watson’s work, contact her office on 02920 898972 /

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Author: Joyce Watson MS
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