Boost for Llanelli stroke patients -Welsh Labour announces £2.5 million for stroke services

Mid & West Wales Labour Assembly Member JOYCE WATSON has welcomed extra money for stroke services in Mid & West Wales.
Welsh Labour Health Minister Edwina Hart has announced an extra £2.5 million for stroke services in Wales. The extra money will ensure that extra hospital bed places are set aside for stroke patients.
‘Welsh Labour is making stroke services a top priority and I am delighted with this extra funding for stroke services in Mid & West Wales.
‘While the number of people suffering from strokes has fallen in recent years those people who survive a stroke are often left with varying degrees of disability and rehabilitation needs – and thanks to this money stroke patients will receive the care and treatment they deserve.
“Mid & West Wales Local Health Board’s will now benefit from part of this extra funding and will have to work with local Council’s to identify where extra beds and specialist care are needed for stroke services.’

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Author: Joyce Watson MS
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